Sunday, April 15, 2012

Blonde Moment - Courtesy of Thelma

See....I go and write this super-confident blog post yesterday and today I had a blonde moment.  Couldn't for the life of me figure out why my hitch wasn't fully attaching to the ball - everything was lined up PERFECTLY but for some silly reason it JUST. WOULDN'T. WORK!!!  I pulled forward, lined it up again...backed up / got out to check / backed up / got out to check (you know the drill).  Finally, after exhausting all of my towing expertise I asked my campsite neighbor Bob to come take a look.  I had a brief moment of vindication when he couldn't figure out what was wrong either because again, everything was lined up perfectly.....until those fateful words came out of his mouth:  "you're such a haven't raised your stabilizer jacks".  I had no words :(
Note to Self:  I need to make a checklist - no guarantees I won't have another blonde moment or that Lucy won't have a Lucy moment but at least I'll have a checklist, right?

Found a couple of examples (had to include the Euro version just because they use such cute words).

Home safely ..... phew!


  1. Thelma, I don't think that there's an Airstreamer out there who hasn't done that at least once; you're in good company.

    As a genuine European, I'm quite upset that you ascribe an Australian check list to Europe! Okay, so we use the same words and yes, they are cute, but mixing Aussie with Euro, that's your blonde moment :~)

    Love the blog, by the way.

    Steve, Mr UK Toad on Air Forums

  2. Steve (Mr UK Toad):
    Well at least you know I'm not just pretending....I'm a blonde through & through (and I say that with the greatest amount of pride!!).

    Glad you enjoy the blog - I'm so going to find you on AF ;)
    Safe Travels
    Thelma (Monah on AF)

  3. Checklists are nice, blond or not!
